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コロナワクチン後遺症」驚愕の調査結果 - 市民の会

2024/03/10 (Sun) 01:53:59












Re: コロナワクチン後遺症」驚愕の調査結果 - 市民の会

2024/03/13 (Wed) 18:50:49









William Makis MD
BREAKING NEWS: Turbo Cancer Treatment race is on: Johnson & Johnson just completed $2 billion cancer drug buy of Ambrx on March 7, 2024 - Merck, Novartis, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, AbbVie, Pfizer, BMS - they all want in!

Latest on Big Pharma's race to treat mRNA Induced TURBO CANCER:

While everyone is distracted by arguments of whether Turbo Cancer exists, Big Pharma is in a feeding frenzy of Cancer Treatment company acquisitions:

I review the biggest blockbuster buyouts and mergers in past 4 months:

Pfizer spent $43 billion to acquire Seagen (paid 42% premium)
- doubles Pfizer's Oncology pipeline
- will be able to treat majority of Turbo Cancers
- spent $14 million on SuperBowl Ad
- has 10 manufacturing sites on 3 continents to produce cancer drugs
- promises to produce 8 blockbuster cancer drugs by 2030
- will use ADCs (synthetic antibody drug conjugates)

Johnson & Johnson spent $2 billion to buy Ambrx (completed Mar.7, 2024)
- will use ADCs (synthetic antibody drug conjugates) just like Pfizer
- has a "oncology innovation strategy"

AbbVie spent $10.1 billion to buy Immunogen at 95% premium.
- expands their oncology pipeline (ovarian cancer)
- wants to re-define standard of care for those "living with cancer"
- to drive revenue growth into next decade

Bristol Myers Squibb to buy Mirati Therapeutics for $5.8 billion at 52% premium.
- recently FDA approved lung cancer drug Krazati
- has only one approved cancer drug

Bristol Myers Squibb to buy RayzeBio for $4.1 billion at 104% premium
- radiopharmaceuticals (my specialty)
- "manufacture cancer treatments on a global scale"
- competitors include Novartis, Eli Lilly

Novartis in the lead to acquire cancer drug developer MorphoSys ($1.6 billion Euros)
- bone marrow cancer drugs including lymphoma
- seeks expertise via this acquisition to expand its oncology division internally

Eli Lilly is spending $1.4 billion to acquire Point Biopharma Global and according to Forbes, is paying a 90% premium.
- radiopharmaceuticals
- aims to transform precision oncology
- cure end stage prostate cancer (my specialty)

Boehringer spent 450 million CHF to buy T3 Pharma and its targeted bacteria platform.
- new cutting edge targeted cancer therapy using engineered bacteria
- turn cold tumors into "hot ones"
- unique platform to deliver bioactive proteins directly into tumor micro-environment while sparing healthy tissues

When my Cancer Treatment Program was illegally sabotaged by Alberta Health Services starting in 2016, and AHS seriously harmed or outright murdered over 2450 of my cancer patients at Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, which led to a $13.5 million lawsuit against AHS which is still ongoing, at the time there was no money in the cancer treatments I was providing (targeted radiopharmaceuticals).

This illegal sabotage and cancer patient murders were known to Alberta Premier
, Alberta Premier
and currently is well known to every
MLA and

In 2023, two of these acquisitions involve my sabotaged Cancer Treatments & Expertise: Bristol Myers Squibb $4.1 billion deal for RayzeBio and Eli Lilly’s $1.4 billion deal for Point Biopharma Global.

How times change!

re-built my Cancer Program in Vancouver, British Columbia as “ARTMS” which was just acquired by Telix for $82 million on Mar.4, 2024 - how much investment Trudeau and his Liberal friends have in that and related companies ? (would make great investigative journalism for anyone interested).

Trudeau poured over $300 million of public funds into precision oncology (targeted radiopharmaceuticals) and this $82 million deal is just the first spin-off private purchase of a company built with public funds - Canadian taxpayer money. But I digress...

Bottom line is, whether establishment doctors believe in mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer or not is irrelevant, hundreds of billions will be made treating it.

In 2023, the top 10 Big Pharma buyout deals came to $115.8 billion, increasing from 2022 ($65 billion) and 2021 ($53 billion).

You will not find this information anywhere else because no one wants you to notice until they've all positioned themselves.

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